The coming alien invasion – don’t want for it to happen


The coming alien invasion – don’t want for it to happen

By Duane Hewitt

If you think you understand anything about what it’s going to be like when Earth gets invaded by aliens, think again – because it’ll be like nothing you ever could have imagined.

For starters, get it out of your head that invaders from another world will be benign. They won’t. And also get it through your head that when the invasion comes, it won’t be any slow roll-out where the aliens flex their muscles in some impressive show of might and technology. That won’t happen either. What will happen is they’ll begin annihilating us within the first microsecond of arrival. It’s simply how a superbly efficient civilization that’s developed over a billion years would undertake an invasion. Mark my words. It’ll be 100 million of us dead in the first minute-and-a-half and the fun won’t even have started yet.

Not everyone will die right away, mind you. Tens of thousands of us will be liquefied as protein nourishment for the newcomers. Many thousands more will be transported off world to die horrible deaths on distant stars, moons, and planets to mine, retrieve weapons, for survivability tests in poisonous environments, as test subjects against horrifyingly dangerous species, or for any number of evil and despicable reasons. It’ll all be painful too, you can bet your stars on that, because an invading alien species at that level of advancement won’t give a damn about our agonies. They probably won’t even have ears to hear our excruciating dying screams.

It may help us to understand why a superior race would bother coming here to take us over in the first place. Figure it like this: they won’t need our water because they’ll certainly know how to combine oxygen and hydrogen. It probably won’t be for our location because we’re likely talking anywhere from thousands to trillions of light-years of space-time travel, and it’s doubtful that the logistics of our whereabouts will come into it (you see, the realities of space travel will involve stuff like black holes and the manufactured folding of space-time matrices to enable the travel). They might want our flora and fauna, but it’s still a long way to come for that, and they surely wouldn’t need any of our planet’s species for food. So, once you get past the arguments in favor of our water, minerals, lifeforms, and earth’s geographic placement, you’re left with the one and only reason they’ll make the trip – for us.

Here’s why: It’s our combined attributes as biologic entities and as a developing intelligence that makes us so appealing. We make a deliciously enticing blend of breed-able foodstuffs that can be used for experiments and as a cheap labor source that can be driven to death and starved along the way. After all, mankind has been doing it to himself for centuries. But face it, as a species we’re such unproven babes in a big, brutal universe. So, we’re about to learn a hard lesson from those who have mastered cold-blooded cruelty vis-à-vis the annihilation of other planetary lifeforms for their benefit.

To conclude, I’m sure by now we’ve all heard the conspiracy theories about how secretive otherworldly intelligences have made contact with elitist groups of the human race (governments and whatnot) in the sharing of technologies for access to Earth’s resources (again, us). Even if such a thing is true, I guarantee that such aliens would be like country bumpkins in comparison to what actually awaits us. And, like I say, what’s heading our way will be beyond our ability to comprehend, let alone survive.

They’re coming. Believe it – just hope it’s not in your or my lifetime.

Copyright 2016 Duane Hewitt. All rights reserved.

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