Alien Disclosure: An event or a process?


By Duane Hewitt If you’re waiting for that special day of disclosure concerning UFOs, aliens, and extra-terrestrial life, stop and take a look around you because we have been increasingly inundated with the strong likelihood that such life exists and that it has long been visiting earth. The fact is, […]

Meeting your destiny


By Duane Hewitt We all have some kind of destiny. And it is true that for many of us there are various destinies that we are to have as we move through life. So what is it that makes us feel we either have or have not met our destiny? […]

The Science of Attraction and Desire


By Duane Hewitt A more appropriate title for this article might be “The emotional triggers of desire.” But some background to the actual science of love and attraction will be referenced, so please read on. Just what is it that makes us “desire” another? Such desire can encompass a number […]

Teen Suicide


By Duane Hewitt If one was to comb through the Internet looking for statistics regarding teenage suicide, the evidence of suicidal trends in young people is beyond disturbing. It’s daunting. And it isn’t a callous approach to the topic. On the contrary, it’s one of several starting points in an […]

Lovers, Married, or Just Friends?


Lovers, Married, or Just Friends? How the two of you were meant to be together By Duane Hewitt It’s something you might find yourself wondering about at the beginning of a relationship, and certainly at the end of a relationship. Were you meant to marry this one particular person? Or […]



By Duane Hewitt Acceptance does not mean giving in or giving up. It means agree to, assent, approve and acquiesce. We can learn to practice acceptance regularly, on a daily basis. Such practice can ease our nerves and our very being. We might do this by learning to stop judging […]

Self-Harm: Symptoms and Causes


By Duane Hewitt The Mayo Clinic states that self-injury is not meant as a suicide attempt but more so as a harmful way of contending “with emotional pain, intense anger and frustration.” And there’s a cycle involved where, though there may be a temporary alleviation of the emotional pain that […]

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