Lyrics by Duane Hewitt
My love, we had our moments
When things just didn’t go our way
And there were times
When we didn’t think
We could face another day
But we’ve grown much stronger
Just by holding on
We’ll see tomorrow
Before our time is done—
We’ll change our lives
Until we find a way to live
We’ll save our dreams
Until our time is right again
We haven’t lost the memories
We can only look ahead
And saving all those yesterdays
We’ll try them once again—
(Repeat chorus)
We’re not afraid to take a chance
For all we know we’ll change our lives
And leave fate out in the cold
I feel it pulling me inside
And getting stronger all the time
Now I know at last
We’re gonna make it!—
We’ll change our lives
Until we find a way to live
We’ll save our dreams
Until our time is right again
We haven’t lost the memories
We can only look ahead
And saving all those yesterdays
We’ll try them once again—
(Repeat chorus and finish)
Copyright 1984, 2019 Duane Hewitt
Suicide: Surviving Death by Killing Self
Sat May 4 , 2019
Suicide: Surviving Death by Killing Self By Duane Hewitt If you feel you are in such emotional pain or anguish that you can’t stop thinking about suicide, then it may be time to take a bold new step into a new and completely different future. Rather than taking your own […]