Suicide – Arguments in favor


Suicide – Arguments in favor By Duane Hewitt Spoiler Alert: If you’re firmly set against suicide, be forewarned that this article raises some points concerning a person’s right to suicide. It’s tragic that we live in a world where suicide is frequently viewed as the only way out. And it’s […]

Our Mortality – What can we learn from it?


Our Mortality – What can we learn from it? By Duane Hewitt The topic here regards something you know very well: Our mortality. We’re all destined to die. So just what exactly are we supposed to do with that information? There must be some value to it. Does our mortality […]

Mankind’s Greatest Inventions


Mankind’s Greatest Inventions By Duane Hewitt If you ever find yourself getting down on mankind, cheer up! As a race we’ve invented some pretty cool things from the wheel to the alphabet to the computer. We’re always busy inventing something new and innovative. The value of many of mankind’s greatest […]

The Purpose of Life


The Purpose of Life – breaking free of illusion and knowing your true self By Duane Hewitt What is the purpose of life? If we say it is to love and serve God, does that say enough about such a supremely vast topic? Is not more likely that the real […]

The Orchard, the Canary, the Guitar, and the Zephyr


The Orchard, the Canary, the Guitar, and the Zephyr By Duane Hewitt Fiction Copyright 2016 Duane Hewitt. All Rights Reserved. ______________________________ Each morning, The Canary would look out from the second floor window and dream as she gazed into the beautiful orchard. The orchard was something spectacular to the little […]

Sewer Rats


Sewer Rats: Case Studies from the University of Chicago [Departments of Life Sciences and Forensic Studies] By Duane Hewitt Fiction Copyright 2016 Duane Hewitt. All Rights Reserved. ______________________________ The first report concerning the sewer rats – of Chicago, no less – was filed by a graduate student of the University […]

Our Preoccupation with SEX! SEX! SEX!


Our Preoccupation with SEX! SEX! SEX! By Duane Hewitt Are we, as a species, obsessed with sex? Why? Current world population has us at 7.5 billion. But just 20 years ago, in 1997, it was a mere 5.9 billion. Back in 1950 it was a paltry 2.56 billion. We’re breeding […]



GRENDEL By Duane Hewitt Fiction Copyright 1997/2017 Duane Hewitt. All Rights Reserved. ______________________________ I will never forget the sound of their screams. Nor will I be free of those horrific and demonic visions: the carnage, the mayhem, broken limbs, shattered bone, the torn and ripped skin. Aye, and that was […]

What it means to be human


What it means to be human By Duane Hewitt If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance that you’re probably human – but have you ever considered just what that means? The following offers some thought as to what it means to be human. You can choose your preferences selectively […]

Exploding Pigs


Exploding Pigs By Duane Hewitt Fiction Copyright 2016 Duane Hewitt. All Rights Reserved. ______________________________ The first happened on May 13th. It was just outside the Arkham County Fair after a resident of the area, a certain Heather Skysdale, brought her newly crowned porker back home with her to the farm. […]

End Times – or just the same old thing?


End Times – or just the same old thing? By Duane Hewitt In reading references to “last days” and “end times” in The Bible, a question comes to mind: Truly, how can we know what the last days are? Have we only just recently entered the last days? I’m no […]



Evergreen By Duane Hewitt Fiction Copyright 2016 Duane Hewitt. All Rights Reserved. ______________________________ “It’s beautiful,” said the man, as if in a trance, “truly, truly beautiful.” The couple touched and then took hands. “It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen,” said the woman in an equally airy tone as she looked […]

The Terrible Thing


The Terrible Thing By Duane Hewitt Fiction Copyright 2016 Duane Hewitt. All Rights Reserved. ______________________________ In that place that falls between what is known and what is thought to be, and where humankind engages in those things that oppose what is morally right and good, is The Terrible Thing. No […]

Your Life Story – what can you learn from it?


Your Life Story – what can you learn from it? By Duane Hewitt Humankind has been telling stories since there was language. It’s through storytelling that we learn about ourselves. Whether by poem, novel, fable, or tales shared around the campfire, it’s by such discourse that we explore our history, […]

Promotional Writing Basics


Promotional Writing Basics By Duane Hewitt Promotional copy appears in many places – articles, newsletters, flyers, websites, advertising, and even business cards. It applies to banks, bands, corporations, dentists, law offices, and anyone who has anything to say in trying to get a message out. Writing good promotional copy is […]

The Hunt for James Frankel: The Man thought to be Wendigo


The Hunt for James Frankel: The Man thought to be Wendigo By Duane Hewitt Fiction Copyright 2016 Duane Hewitt. All Rights Reserved. ______________________________ There was a day, so very long ago now, when, as very young children, my sister and I climbed onto our grandfather’s lap one evening when we […]

Writer’s Life


Writer’s Life By Duane Hewitt Fiction Copyright 2016 Duane Hewitt. All Rights Reserved. ______________________________ A man sits in a little, barren room. He has slept badly but then, he always does. There is no bed, no couch, and nowhere for him to lay his head. So, every night he curls […]

Murder Confession of an Innocent Man


Murder Confession of an Innocent Man By Duane Hewitt Fiction Copyright 2016 Duane Hewitt. All Rights Reserved. ______________________________ “I plotted the death because there was nothing else left for me to do. The reason will become self-evident; and anyway, I am not normally given to lengthy discourse. If I were […]

Screen Memory


Screen Memory By Duane Hewitt Fiction Copyright 2016 Duane Hewitt. All Rights Reserved. ______________________________ Four men occupied the room. One – central to the purposes of the others – sat in the middle. The room was dimly lit; austere and without windows. It was bleak, save for the dark olive […]



WIND By Duane Hewitt Fiction Copyright 2016 Duane Hewitt. All Rights Reserved. _____________________________ The wind was fierce; relentless – and it blew nonstop; a wickedly persistent force that felt vindictive; almost evil. And it hurt, because along with the wind came those sharp granules of ice and snow that were […]

The Collectors


The Collectors By Duane Hewitt Fiction Copyright 2016 Duane Hewitt. All Rights Reserved. ______________________________ An apartment – small, bare, featureless; almost bleak: A man sits on a chair. He is positioned six or seven feet from the stove. Two men are in the room with him. One, a heavy set […]

Why we all need to laugh more


Why we all need to laugh more By Duane Hewitt Most of us may not give much thought to laughter, but there are very important reasons for laughter and why we all need to laugh more. Laughter is good for us in a number of ways, beginning with this: Laughter […]

Starting a business? Read this!


Starting a business? Read this! By Duane Hewitt If you plan on starting a business, you need to understand all the principles to ensure your success. Whether you’re starting a sole proprietorship to sell soap, a family business that will offer janitorial services, are planning on starting an automotive shop, […]

Writing Well II – In regards to style


Writing Well II – In regards to style By Duane Hewitt Writers sometimes have the view that, when developing their style of writing, it gives them license to break all the rules of writing. This is not necessarily true – at least not for good writing. Such a carte blanche […]

The Nature of Evil


The Nature of Evil By Duane Hewitt Those of us who see how our world is changing decade upon decade may be questioning what appears to be the proliferation of evil, both worldwide as well as in our communities. What’s going on? And what exactly is evil? In their book […]

Terrorism and hate crimes – How do we stop the evil?


Terrorism and hate crimes – How do we stop the evil? By Duane Hewitt How do we stop the rise of terrorism and deadly hate crimes that have become increasingly prevalent in our western world? Such heinous acts didn’t exist to such a degree previously, at least not like this. […]

Fly With Me


Lyrics by Duane HewittCome to meTake my handWe’ll touch the sunIn your armsI could stayUntil all time is done—We’ll take the nightAs dawn comes lightAnd run along the shoreAnd I could love you—Fly oh lady flyCome on and fly with meNow my lady nowCome touch the sky with meNow oh […]



Lyrics by Duane HewittSomewhere from the pastSomething keeps reaching out to touch meSomething in the darkCalls out my nameReaching out of timeSinging a haunting troubled rhymeLeaving a soft and saddened cryIt calls to meVoices from a pastI don’t rememberMemories of a timeI might have known Calling out to meVoices of […]

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